Dr. Michael Gibson Discusses The Ability To Coordinate Both Conventional Medical Care And Chiropractic Care Into A Patient’s Care Plan

Dr. Michael Gibson
Presenter: Hannah Stanley
Guest: Dr. Michael Gibson
Guest Bio: After graduating with a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario, he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree and Masters of Science in Chiropractic Sports Science from Life University.

Segment Overview:
Dr. Michael Gibson discusses the ability to coordinate both conventional medical care and chiropractic care into a patient’s care plan. Both in his current integrated practice, and in his prior chiropractic only practice, the best plan for the patient was the priority and led to referrals back and forth to create an overall benefit to the patient.


Health Professional Radio

Hannah Stanley: This is Hannah Stanley on Health Professional Radio, continuing my interview with Dr. Michael Gibson, who is a chiropractor working in concert with medical doctors to give patients many options in their, not only spinal care, but medical care in general. In your opinion, and I understand that you’re coming from one side of the hedge row, but would you prefer, and is there benefit for, patients who have a pinched nerve, instead of going to that medical doctor initially, to come and see you first to get some reduction of inflammation or something along those lines?

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