Peruvian super foods


Presenter: Neal Howard
Guest: Author Manuel Villacorta, M.S., R.D.
Guest Bio: Author Manuel Villacorta, M.S., R.D. is a nationally recognized, award-winning registered dietitian with more than 16 years of experience. He is a respected and trusted voice in the health, weight loss and wellness industry. Manuel is the founder of Eating Free, an international weight management and wellness program. A national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2010-2013), a health blog contributor for The Huffington Post, an on-air contributor for the Univision television network, and a health and lifestyle contributor for Fox News Latino. Manuel is the owner of San Francisco-based private practice, MV Nutrition, the recipient of five ‘‘Best Bay Area Nutritionist’’ awards from the San Francisco Chronicle, ABC7 and Citysearch.

Segment Overview
Manuel Villacorta discusses the definition of a true “Peruvian Super Food”.


HPR – Health Professional Radio

Neal Howard: Hello.  You’re listening to Health Professional Radio.  I’m your host, Neal Howard.  So glad that you could join us today.  We are what we eat.  Today’s food makes tomorrow’s blood, and the best thing that we can do is to put the best that we can in our bodies when it comes to food.  Our guest in studio today is Mr Manuel Villacorta, a registered dietician and health blog contributor to the Huffington Post.

He’s also an on-air contributor for the Univision television network and a contributor for Fox News Latino.  He’s here today to talk with us about some of the top super foods that maybe no one has told us about.  How are you doing today, Manuel?

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