“Statins: Miraculous Or Misguided?”

Dr Mark Estren
Presenter: Neal Howard
Guest: Dr Mark Estren
Guest Bio: Mark J. Estren, Ph.D. earned doctorates in English and psychology at the University of Buffalo and a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University, where he was first in his class. A Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist, Estren has held top-level positions at newspapers, magazines and in television for more than 30 years. His media credits include The Washington Post, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, ABC and CBS News, PBS and other media. He was chosen by Fortune magazine as one of its “People to Watch.” Early in his career, Estren ran Financial News Network and was the editor and publisher of High Technology Business magazine.

Segment Overview
Dr. Mark Estren discusses his reasons for sharing his research of Statins by publishing his book “STATINS: Miraculous or Misguided?”


Health Professional Radio

Neal Howard: Hello. You’re listening to Health Professional Radio. I’m your host, Neal Howard. Our guest in studio today is Dr. Mark Estren. He’s returning with us. We’ve talked about statins, their side effects, with some recent recommendations as they pertain to the use of statins. We’ve also been talking about why statins are so popular. He’s a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, the author of Statins: Miraculous or Misguided? How are you doing today, Mark?

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