The Difference Between Hurt And Emotional Damage
Guest Bio: Robin Grille is a father, a psychologist in private practice with twenty years’ experience, and a parenting educator. His articles on parenting and child development have been widely published in Australia and overseas. Robin’s first book:’Parenting for a Peaceful World’ (2005) has received international acclaim and led to speaking engagements around Australia, USA and New Zealand. ‘Heart to Heart Parenting’ (ABC Books) is Robin’s second book. A passionate speaker and social change activist, Robin’s extensive research has led him to feel that improved attention to babies’ and children’s emotional needs is the most powerful way to move societies toward sustainability and peace.
Segment Overview:
Robin Grille concludes that trauma in childhood is unavoidable but outlines the difference between hurt and emotional damage. He outlines the differences between emotional, narrative and body memory. Expressions of these traumas may present years down the track in an irrational way- he feels emotional reactivity can be an aftermath from trauma as early as the 3rd trimester in the womb. He highlights how best to deal with troubled children and discusses how coaching of parents and educators to deal more empathically leads to amazing leaps in their condition. He offers other trials and studies in this interesting area of early childhood trauma management. He provides information on how to find further information in this area.
Health Professional Radio
Niyati: You’re listening to Health Professional Radio. My name is Niyati Labot [sp] and our guest today is Robin Grille who is a Clinical Psychologist and also an expert in the area of parenting and the emotional wellbeing of children who then become emotionally balanced adults. Robin, we’ve been discussing in quite some detail today about oxytocin and cortisol and the actual chemical results of emotional trauma and how emotional health is so important to the wellbeing of a child.
When people do present to you, or when they are suffering from issues, be they emotional, physical, etcetera and they go to the GP, how do you recommend people be dealt with by the health community? And what do you think needs to happen? What needs to change?
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