The Ideal Parenting Environment For A Healthy Child

Guest Bio: Robin Grille is a father, a psychologist in private practice with twenty years’ experience, and a parenting educator. His articles on parenting and child development have been widely published in Australia and overseas. Robin’s first book:’Parenting for a Peaceful World‘ (2005) has received international acclaim and led to speaking engagements around Australia, USA and New Zealand. ‘Heart to Heart Parenting‘ (ABC Books) is Robin’s second book. A passionate speaker and social change activist, Robin’s extensive research has led him to feel that improved attention to babies’ and children’s emotional needs is the most powerful way to move societies toward sustainability and peace.

Segment Overview:
Robin Grille discusses the ideal parenting environment for a healthy child: one where breastfeeding, parental leave and hands on parenting is favoured. He believes this leads to greater economic and social productivity as adults but requires cultural change in policy. He outlines how emotional wellbeing is the new frontier. He discusses the neurochemical changes that occur with improvements to connection and interaction with a young child.


Health Professional Radio

Niyati:Hello. You’re listening to Health Professional Radio, and we’re in discussion with Robin Grille in regards to Parenting for a Peaceful World, childhood psychology, and how it affects society and the health of our nation and, indeed, the global situation. Robin, you were mentioning that in Sweden, the policy for parental leave is so markedly different to places like Australia, where we are. You were discussing how, in the long run, the so-called financial expense or lack of need to actually work during the time that you have a very young child will lead to great savings later on.

Now, how about places in the world where, really, this is just not possible? This program actually does go around the world, and there are people right now listening in Asia, listening in Africa. What do people do in situations where they do really have to just literally take their child out and keep working and it’s just not a question of the government taking care of them and covering for them?

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