The Study Entitled ” nocturnal Light Exposure Impairs Affective Responses In A Wavelength-dependent Manner”

Presenter: Emily
Guest: Dr Randy Nelson
Guest Bio: Dr Randy Nelson is Brumbaugh Chair and a teaching professor and chair at the Department of Neuroscience at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Doctor Nelson is also a co-author of a recent study published in the August 7th issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, entitled, “Nocturnal Light Exposure impairs affective responses in a wavelength-dependent manner.”


Health Professional Radio

Emily: You’re listening to Health Professional Radio. This is Emily, and my guest today is Dr. Randy Nelson. He’s the Brumbaugh Chair and a teaching professor and chair at the Department of Neuroscience at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. Doctor Nelson is also a co-author of a recent study published in the August 7th issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, entitled, “Nocturnal Light Exposure impairs affective responses in a wavelength-dependent manner.” Doctor Nelson, thanks so much for speaking with me today.

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