The Patented Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique – What is an Overactive Bladder?



Guest: Justin Mandel, DOM AP
Presenter: Neal Howard
Guest Bio:  Justin Mandel, DOM AP is acupuncture physician who has invented a breakthrough, all-natural, patented, rehabilitative procedure that is totally safe, effective, & non-invasive. It is the first ever to help people to “Pee Less” by focusing on rehabilitating what “surrounds” the bladder instead of focusing on the bladder itself.
Segment overview: Justin Mandel explains how his patented Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique® enriches the lifestyle of patients and gives them a psychological edge.


Health Professional Radio

Neal: Hello and welcome to Health Professional Radio. I’m your host Neal Howard. Thank you so much for joining us today. Many people suffer from what is known as an “overactive bladder.” Getting up several times during the night, in order to go to the bathroom or not being able to enjoy a sporting event or a leisurely drive on a Sunday afternoon simply because they need to stop so many times in order to relieve themselves. Our guest in studio today St. Petersburg Florida based acupuncturist Dr. Justin Mandel. He specializes in overactive bladder and he’s also the inventor of patented bladder RE-EXPANSION technique procedure and patent pending bladder Re-X medical device. In addition, he’s the author of soon to be released “Top 10 Overactive Bladder Food Triggers: Modify Your Diet, Minimize Your Bathroom Visits.” How are you doing today Dr. Mandel?

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